Wednesday 24 April 2013

Sussex businesses encouraged to celebrate workplace learning

Chris Parkinson, Head of Leadership at Dixons Retail and the man behind the army of outstanding volunteers of London2012 said in an interview “Training is critical, not a luxury”.  

On 23 May, thousands of organisations up and down the UK will join him in celebrating Learning at Work (LAW) day by promoting activities that develop staff, including everything from formal learning and coaching to mentoring and knowledge-sharing. 

In Sussex there’s a programme of free events from 20 – 24 May to celebrate National Adult Learners Week and National Learning at Work day.  The programme culminates in the Sussex Workplace Learning Awards that recognise dedication to workplace learning on Thursday 23 May.

The people behind the Sussex Learning Awards are now seeking your nominations.  

If you’re an organisation that thinks you’ve got a great learning culture or you know an individual who’s shown real commitment to learning then take a look at
Entries are done on-line with a closing date of Friday 10 May and places on the free events are also bookable via the website.

By reviewing how you run training in your organisation, or acknowledging the dedication of one of your staff through entering these free awards you’re already in a win-win situation.  Together with the free events during the week you’re gaining extra value and when research shows that 80% of senior business people and 70% of customers are influenced by awards you’ve won, it makes sense to get involved.